Category: green tea tea talk (Page 2 of 2)

Welcome to Green Tea Talk, a place to learn all about one of the world’s most beloved beverages. From its ancient roots in China and Japan to its status as a health powerhouse today, green tea has been steeped in culture for centuries.

It’s no wonder green tea is loaded with antioxidants, polyphenols, and other beneficial compounds that make it an ideal choice for those looking for a delicious yet nutritious drink.

At Green Tea Talk, you can explore the many varieties of green tea and their unique flavor profiles. Whether you’re looking for something light and floral or bold and earthy, there’s sure to be a type of green tea that will suit your palate perfectly.

What is matcha green tea?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

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Got a matcha? Meet Matcha! Matcha is a type of green tea made by finely ground, powdered tea leaves mixed with hot water to produce a green, frothy, delicious drink. It is a beverage served during traditional Japanese tea ceremonies and is an ingredient in some Japanese dishes.

What is Matcha Green Tea?

Matcha is made from the finest tea leaves. Only the fresh, newly-budded tea leaves are hand-picked to ensure their quality. 20 days before harvesting, the tea bushes are placed under a shade. This process makes the leaves produce more chlorophyll and more amino acids. Unlike green tea, wherein the leaves undergo initial rolling, the tea leaves in matcha are laid out flat to dry in the shade. The stems and veins of the leaves are removed, leaving only pure tea leaves. After drying, the leaves are stone-grounded to create a fine, talc-like, bright green powder.

The History of Matcha Tea

In the Japanese tea ceremony, there are 2 ways of preparing matcha: the usucha, or thin tea, and the koicha, or thick tea. In preparing the tea, you need the following equipment: natsume (tea caddy), teaspoon (chasaku), tea whisk (chasen), and tea bowl (chawan). Usucha is made by mixing a half teaspoon of matcha with 1/2 cup of hot water. Koicha is made by 1 heaping teaspoon of matcha to 1/4 cup of water. Koicha is usually made from tea plants that are more than 30 years old and, thus, produces higher-quality tea leaves. Matcha is traditionally served with a wagashi (Japanese sweet) before drinking.

person pouring water on black ceramic mug
getting the fine matcha strained

Drinking Matcha Tea

When drinking green tea, you only drink the liquid from the brewed tea leaves. When drinking matcha, you drink the entire leaf without stems and veins. This allows you to receive more nutrients than drinking brewed green tea. Matcha provides you with more antioxidants and amino acids than most antioxidant-rich foods and even green tea.


Matcha has been a significant beverage and part of Japanese culture for centuries. Now that you’ve met Matcha, you can now also enjoy its wonderful taste and countless health benefits.

Green Tea weight loss

Reading Time: 4 minutes

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If you have been looking for that one quick fix to lose a couple of pounds, then I am sad to say that this quick, weird tip to losing weight is probably not going to be found. However, there is hope as green tea has been shown to assist in weight loss, so it might not melt away pounds overnight but can probably help out when combined with other activities to help your body. Keep on reading, and you will find some info about dieters’ green tea.

Should you add green tea to your diet?

Trying to lose weight? For dieters, green tea is the one for you. It is good for you if you have tried the Mediterranean or South Beach diet. If you have coupled it with regular exercise, that would be better. But if you add green tea to this lifestyle, you achieve the best. So, as mentioned above, green tea most likely won’t melt any unwanted pounds off, but if used in conjunction with exercise and other diet modifications, you might be well on your way to that 6 pack.

white ceramic mug with green and white liquid
a good looking cup of green tea

Differences in green teas

One thing to keep in mind as well is that not all green tea is created the same. With higher-quality green tea, you will most likely receive a higher return with the health benefits. This is why it is recommended you get high-quality tea bags, and if possible, get loose green tea as with loose-leaf tea, you will have the ability to get a generally higher quality tea as the leaves have not been broken, you won’t get stems or dust, and it will allow a better taste to be infused into the warm water.

One of the mechanisms to lose weight is to increase our body’s metabolism. Certain chemicals, such as L-carnitine, are added to some health drinks to help speed up body metabolism. When our body’s metabolism increases, our bodily functions become faster, our body produces more heat, and more calories are burned. Green tea increases our body’s metabolism. Drinking green tea before or after aerobic exercises such as jogging or running can help burn that extra calorie in your body. One thing that can help your body really warm up with a bang is our gunpowder green tea ! This tea provides all the taste you are looking for in tea and a little extra heat from how it is prepared !

Are slimming teas a real thing?

Most slimming teas available in the market work by irritating your digestive system, making you defecate more. These may cause unwanted stomach problems and discomfort.On the other hand, some slimming teas flush out excess body fluids by making you go to the bathroom more. This same mechanism is present in green tea but is a bit more natural with green tea. Green tea acts as a natural diuretic. When you urinate, excess body fluid is excreted by your body. At the same time, toxins and fats in our bodies are flushed along with excess body fluids. Drinking green tea also helps alleviate the feeling of being bloated. If you are looking for different types, look over here at some of our best green tea as they will both help you speed up your metabolism and quench your thirst.

Ceremonial Tea Set on Wooden Surface
nice green tea setup

Tea and health studies

Studies show that green tea also helps lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels. While some drugs act to lower both the LDL (low-density lipoprotein or bad cholesterol) and the HDL (high-density lipoprotein or good cholesterol), green tea lowers the LDL levels and normalizes the HDL levels. 

This is good news for people at risk of cardiovascular disease. Green tea also lowers blood sugar levels. Drinking this beverage can help diabetic patients manage their blood sugar and prevents the complications of diabetes, such as blindness, kidney failure, and strokes.


Green tea helps you achieve the healthy lifestyle and body that you want, and you need. This drink does not only make you feel healthy on the outside but also from within. Take a look at a couple of our tastiest green teas and see if there are any that you could work into your fitness routine:

Gunpowder green tea

Reading Time: 3 minutes

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It is no secret that green tea is one of the world’s healthiest beverages. But what about gunpowder green tea? What makes it so special? If you are looking for an amazing green tea then look no further as gunpowder green tea is something special alright!

The history of Gunpowder tea

Gunpowder green tea dates back to the Tang dynasty in China, about 600 years BC. It is mainly produced in the Zhejiang province. There is no actual account for its being named as “gunpowder,” but some believe that is due to the shape of the tea leaves. Its pearly greyish-green color makes it look like gunpowder pellets that are used in explosives.

How is gunpowder tea made?

Gunpowder green tea is made by the leaves of the tea plant. The leaves are withered first before steaming. The leaves are rolled into pellet-shaped pieces either by hand rolling or by using a machine. Hand-rolled gunpowder green tea are of higher quality than those rolled by a machine, and bigger pellets typically are of lower quality than those fine, tightly rolled pellets. After rolling, the leaves are being dried. When looking for a high-quality gunpowder green tea, the pellets should appear shiny, indicating that the leaves are fresh.

Ceremonial Tea Set on Wooden Surface

How to brew Gunpowder green tea

When brewing the tea, the recommended ratio is 1 teaspoon of tea to 150 ml of hot, previously boiled, but not boiling, water. The leaves are steeped for about 1-2 minutes before being strained. It has a slightly grassy taste with a pleasant aroma. Adding milk or sweeteners is not recommended because the tea tastes good in itself. It has a soft honey texture and light green to yellow color. When the gunpowder-like tea leaves are brewed in hot water, the pellets unfurl and turn into loose leaves, indicating their flavor has been absorbed.


Gunpowder may be a unique name for a beverage, but it is a type of healthy beverage, green tea. It has the same potent antioxidant content, preventing certain diseases such as dementia and cancer.

Gunpowder green tea is truly a special kind of tea. It’s not your ordinary kind of green tea; it’s gunpowder… green tea!

Health benefits of green tea

Reading Time: 4 minutes

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Health Benefits of Green Tea | Why You Should Try Green Tea

Over centuries we have known how tea in all of its forms- black, green, or white teas has spectacularly paved the way to the healthier well-being of almost all people from different races, cultures, tongues, etc. A teacup, whether served hot or cold, is just perfect in any time of the day. Tea is a nice company to share good times from dusk till dawn.

To quote from a Victorian British Prime Minister:

 If you are cold, tea will warm you.  If you are too heated, it will cool you.  If you are depressed, it will cheer you.  If you are excited, it will calm you.  – Gladstone, 1865

Aside from the social benefits you can get from drinking tea, there are many other reasons you should consider drinking a cup of it every day.  If you just can’t choose which form of tea you should have that day, we highly recommend green tea.

Benefits of green tea for your body

If you’re new to drinking tea, you will definitely find the following details helpful: here is a list of the many benefits of green tea .

Okay, most people think that tea originated from China since it is the world’s number one exporter of tea even today. But actually, “Camellia Sinensis” or tea plants also grow in areas with tropical and subtropical climates such as South America, Europe, and South Africa. Three thousand years earlier, before China has introduced tea, it has been already used as herbal medicine in ancient civilization.

Teas vary depending on the length of the fermentation process they’ve been through. Antioxidant properties where tea is rich of is inversely proportional to the length of the fermentation process. That means longer fermentation equals lesser antioxidants, and shorter fermentation equals more antioxidants. However, caffeine content, it goes the opposite. The longer the fermentation process, the more caffeine you get, while the shorter the fermentation process, the lesser caffeine you get.

filled white bowl surrounded by snake plants
green tea looks amazing

To rank the three forms of tea according to each antioxidant properties, white tea gets the first place because of the shortest fermentation process, followed by green tea, and then black tea gets the least. However, black tea has even more antioxidants than coffee. Just so you know! Then, regarding caffeine content, you’ll just have to turn the upside down ranking: black tea being the highest and white tea the least.

Why then loose green tea ?  What are its health benefits?

Through the above information, we can definitely infer that green tea is the moderation of all of tea forms. Have you heard of the famous four-word prescription of most doctors: MODERATION IS THE KEY!!!

Health benefits of green tea include:

  •       weight loss;
  •       Better digestion;
  •       Reduced risk of depression and anxiety;
  •       Lower cancer risk;
  •       Stronger immune system;
  •       Less risk of Alzheimer’s;
  •       Lowered blood pressure;
  •       Good source of vitamins and nutrients such as iron, calcium, and magnesium.


If you want to get the most out of the benefits of green tea, you would be asked what particular time of the day will be best to drink green tea. Well, actually, it depends on what green tea benefit you’re after. Say, you can replace coffee with green tea in the morning to stimulate your senses or drink tea after meals to get a flattened stomach. You can enjoy a relaxing cup before bedtime to ease digestion and as an appetite suppressant to prevent you from craving over-midnight snacks. So at the end of all of this, the only conclusion is that there is never a bad time to have green tea. If you are looking for some great options for green tea I would suggest taking a look at our large list of green teas here:

What is Gunpowder Tea?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

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Intro to Gunpowder Tea

Chinese gunpowder tea was first introduced to Taiwan in the 19th century; it was dated back to the Tang Dynasty. Gunpowder tea originates from China mostly Pingshui in the Zheijing Province. It is a form of Chinese green tea; its leaves are withered; steamed, rolled then it is to be dried. Today the method of rolling the leaves is by using a machine. But the highest grades are still rolled by hand. Rolling allows retaining the aroma and flavouring. The English name “Gunpowder Tea” is the fact that it resembles to grains of black powder. There are different types of Gunpowder tea, based on the types of leaves; Pingshui Gunpowder or Temple of Heaven Gunpowder, Formosa Gunpowder, and Ceylon Gunpowder and our Favorite green gunpowder tea Tangy gunpowder tea :

Benefits of Gunpowder Tea

Please note that these are just benefits that we have found online, we are not doctors or anything like that. So if you want to know 100% what tea, or anything else can do in your body, we suggest you speak to a doctor or nutritionist.

There are many benefits Gunpowder tea can offer; it has many antioxidants that defend against free radicals and oxidative stress, it includes EGCG that fights free radicals thus prevent the growth of cancer cells.

  • Helps in the reduction of breast cancer.
  • Helps in cancer-preventative measures by building the preferred amount of polyphenols in the body through green tea and the antioxidants that green tea provides.
  • Helps in preventing rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Helps in reduction of oesophageal cancer.

Possible health benefits of Gunpowder Green tea

Prevents cardiovascular diseases, reduces the risk of coronary artery disease; It lowers the cholesterol triglyceride levels that not only prevent type II diabetes but improves glucose tolerance and insulin sensibility that helps control diabetes. Gunpowder tea will also prevent the clotting of blood. Gunpowder tea is very useful for ailments; digestive problems and indigestion.

To those whom want to lose a few pounds. Gunpowder tea will help you lose weight; it helps burn fat and builds muscles, because of the catechins, caffeine; and theanien present in Gunpowder tea. Because of catechins, flavonoids; and minerals present in Gunpowder tea, your metabolism will improve. It helps boost your metabolic rate assisting you to burn fat; a much better and healthier work out drink; Take Gunpowder tea while working out.
Rejuvenates the mind giving the energy you’re needed. Sit and relax take a cup, read a book be at peace. Enjoy life with a cup of Healthy.

A cup of tea would restore my normality.”― Douglas Adams

Gunpowder Tea has a big role in our body when used. Intake 2-3 cups every day. Your body will surely be guided. Live healthy, be healthy; take this every day; exercise! Eat healthy foods. Surely your body and mind will feel great! As noted before there are a lot of health benefits of green tea so drink lots and be happy and healthy!
Why not try organic? Why not start to have a more healthy heart, a healthy body? Try drinking Gunpowder tea every day and see the results!


Reading Time: 4 minutes

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Introduction to the Benefits of Green tea

The benefits of green tea have become famous to people all around the world. Among the varieties of tea available, green tea is the most famous due to its health benefits. It does not only work wonders to our mood, it also does wonders to our body.

Benefits of Green Tea

There are many green tea benefits and here are just a few of them. Green tea contains caffeine. Caffeine makes our body physically and mentally active. Drinking green tea helps improve mental functioning and helps retain memory. Thus, drinking green tea can help elevate your senses when you are at work, or at home reading or studying. It is best drunk in the morning to wake you up and can also be drunk at the middle and end of the day when you want to hype and freshen up.

Green tea acts as a natural diuretic. It makes you urinate more. During urination, excess fluid is being flushed out by your kidneys, along with toxic substances that can cause potential harm to your body. Because excess fluid is lost, drinking green tea can help you manage your weight. A balanced diet along with exercise and green tea can help you lose weight faster. This is one of the many advantages of this drink as when you drink green tea weight loss will occur all by itself.

Elevated blood pressure puts you at risk for complications such as a stroke. Certain medications used to lower the blood pressure acts by causing the body to urinate more. When you drink green tea, you get almost the same effect as taking a diuretic antihypertensive drug. Therefore, green tea can help you manage your blood pressure.

Possible health benefits of Green Tea

You might have encountered mouthwashes that contain green tea extracts. Green tea has antibacterial properties. It helps fight bacteria in your mouth causing unwanted mouth odors and throat and gum infections. This means that drinking green tea will not only freshen your breath but it will also clean.

Green tea is also good for our skin. Because of its antioxidant and antibacterial properties, green tea can help improve our complexion and fight certain skin problems such as acne. Drinking green tea alone can help rejuvenate our skin and the teabag can be reused by applying topically to affected areas.

Perhaps the most amazing thing green tea can do is to help fight cancer. Green tea contains antioxidants called polyphenols, chemicals that fight free radicals. Free radicals are chemicals that oxidize our cells, causing cell aging and deterioration. Antioxidants in green tea fight those free radicals in the body, making our body younger, and our cells healthier. Cells are renewed and there is a prohibition of the growth of cancer cells.

How much Green Tea should you drink?

Drinking 2-3 cups of green tea a day along with a healthy lifestyle can help prevent you from certain diseases. It can possibly help save you from the cost of medicines and hospitalizations in the future. To be healthy and fit, drink green tea. One of the important things to remember is that all green tea is not created equally. The quality of the leaf will determine the quality of the benefits that your body receives. This is why it is important to get loose green tea that is very high quality. As this will ensure the best health benefits for your body.

Here are some high quality, and great tasting green teas that are good for your body and your soul:

clear glass mug with green leaves
a nicely steeped green tea

What is the best Green Tea?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

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Introduction to our Green Tea Talk

What is the best green tea? Well, I might be a bit biased when I say that loose green tea is the best ever!

You don’t have to ask where is it found or how to get it, because you can have it. Green tea is a proven healthy and delicious beverage. It has been noted that there is green tea weight loss that can happen just from drinking the awesome green beverage on a daily basis. And because we want the best for ourselves, we need to have the best. Read on to know how what is the best green tea.

What to look for in Green tea

Make sure it is fresh. Unlike black tea, green tea is less oxidized, which makes it more abundant in antioxidants and lesser in caffeine. For the same reason, green tea has a lesser shelf life compared to black tea. From the date of packaging, it is best to use unopened packages of green tea within 6 months. If opened, the shelf life reduces to 3 months.

Loose Leaf or Tea Bags for Green tea?

Loose leaves are usually higher in quality than those fine, powdery leaves used in teabags. However, most teas produced by teabags taste just as good. This will often leave you with amazing green tea if you start with the best ingredients to make your tea. Clean water, and great leaves are a must. Depending on the kind of leaves you are using, the kind of filter must also be considered. For bigger, loose leaves, a teapot with a metal filter is recommended. Filter paper usually produces lesser quality. For fine, chopped leaves, a paper filter is suggested.

What’s the best water temp for Green Tea?

Hot or boiling water? While using water that is not so hot produces a low quality brew, boiling water should not be used too. When boiling water is used, the resulting effect of the tea might be bitter and the health benefits might be lessened. Hot, previously boiled water is recommended. The brewing time should not exceed 5 minutes as it makes the tea bitter and harsh. 2-3 minutes brewing time is enough.

Flavored or Unflavored Green Tea?

Plain or flavored? Bottled green tea beverages are popular in the market nowadays. They are best served ice cold. While drinking plain green tea is good, flavored drinks might just be as good too. However, bottled preparations contain more sugar and thus have the potential to have high calorie content.


Green tea is perhaps nature’s best gift to us. It offers a multitude of benefits to our body and gives us a pleasant mood. In choosing the best drink for you, choose green tea. In choosing green tea, choose only the best and make sure to keep in mind that it is possible to have too much green tea so keep everything in moderation and life will be great! And if you want to check out some of the other benefits of green tea make sure you watch this video:

7 benefits of green tea

Take a look at our extensive list of our large list of green teas here:

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