One of the greatest things that you can enjoy in a day is a nice cup of green tea in the middle of the day. You might be asking yourself why I say in the middle of the day and I will tell you why I feel that this is the best time of the day to sink into a warm cup of green tea.
The reason that I like my green tea in the middle of the day is simple, and that is because it falls in line with how my days usually are. I start my day a bit tired, groggy and turn to a nice strong cup of black tea to wake me up. Something like a hearty brew of blackberry black tea to really give me a nice kick of caffeine, and a nice aroma to awaken my senses. Even the smell of a strong black tea is enough to get some of that sleep out of my eyes, just take a look at that blackberry tea and tell me you aren’t feeling a bit more awake :
Earl morning tea for the sleepy guys and gals.
So now that we know what I like to start my day off with lets go on to the next part of my day, which I then turn to loose leaf green tea for. The reason I turn to the green tea is simple, and that is because in the middle of the day I look at it as almost my time to start winding down. The simple reality is that usually it is my mornings that I really need to be focused and alert with. So once I have drank around 4 cups of black tea, I am usually set and my energy is flowing. So this is where I start to wind it down, as it is not instantaneous, I often find that the black tea in the morning will provide me with enough caffeine and power to last all day, but I still want to drink something tasty. This is why I go to green tea, as there is less caffeine and a more calming effect. My go to green tea has got to be Tangy Gunpowder Green tea as this tea has really changed how I look at this type of tea.
My tangy gunpowder tea really mellows my mood out, and its smokiness gives me a bit of relaxtion. It lets me think about what I have done so far today and what else I have to do. I really find that Green tea, and especially Tangy Gunpowder Green tea , gives me a lot of focus so this is why I switch to it in the middle of the day. Usually the craziness of rush requests have diminished and now I can plan the rest of the day out and go forward with my thoughts. Take a look at the gunpowder tea and tell me it doesn’t look amazing:
To wind down my day I really just like to switch it up and go with a nice herbal tea, or for you purists Tisane , as I find that the soothing and rich flavors that an all herbal mix can provide is really something unique. Although most will migrate over to chamomile as it is often said that it has calming properties, I find that anything warm with a pleasant taste generally calms me. That is unless it is scalding hot haha. For this mix my go to herbal brews are as follow:
Lemongrass soothes the stomach and is popular in many herbal remedies.
Without the caffeine and with a unique taste honeybush is a great brew to try before bed.
A great fruit mix will relax your body before bed. Great for winding down.
An amazing mix of fruit including apple bits to give a nice tart warm flavor before bed.
So there you have it, my entire breakdown of when I have my teas and why I like them at those times. Overall the tea experience is your own journey so find out works best for you, and if you want to learn more about green teas I would really suggest reading these posts as they have a lot of information about green tea and how to prepare it:
Benefits of green tea