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How to make the perfect cup of rooibos
Rooibos has been bursting onto the tea scene in recent times and is really starting to become popular due to its very unique taste, as well as its lower caffeine levels which allow it to be enjoyed anytime during the day or night. Rooibos is not technically a tea as it does not come from the plant that makes all teas, but it is a great plant to brew up and enjoy. Sometimes people refer to rooibos as a red tea, due to its unique color when brewing the processed pieces of plant.
Although it is generally seen as a red cup you will also notice that there are new green versions of rooibos that have come out, like this one, , which are the unprocessed versions of red rooibos. Each come with their unique flavors but both will satisfy your look for a tea alternative to brew up. Rooibos is a bit different than traditional teas when it comes to preparation so just read below and you will find the way to make the perfect cup of rooibos.
Easy steps to brewing Rooibos
The first thing you will want to do is start with hot water, around 100 degrees, to really let the flavors out of the plant. If you brew the rooibos at a lower temp you will be missing out on the sweet flavors of red rooibos, or the more earthy flavors of the green version. You will want to get your water nice and hot, then pour it onto your rooibos mix and then let it steep.
With rooibos being a different plant altogether from the classic tea bearing plants you will also want to ensure you are letting it steep long enough. Rooibos requires a longer steep time of between 6-8 minutes to really get the most out of the little pieces. Be sure not to under steep rooibos as you might be left underwhelmed by the flavor, as it does take some time to make a good cup of rooibos.
Extra tips on brewing Rooibos
Another note about rooibos is that it is often a lot smaller than your traditional teas, which can cause some problems if you don’t have the right things to brew the mixes with.
Rooibos is a great go to when you are looking to get away from your current tea collections so don’t hesitate to take a look around and see if there are any flavors that catch your mind . It is truly a unique flavor that you would expect from something coming from the beautiful country of Africa all the way to your door.