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Do All Fruit Teas Have Calories?

Reading Time: 8 minutes

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Introduction to Fruit teas and their calories.

Are you a fan of fruit teas but wondering if they will add to your calorie intake? It’s a valid concern, especially if you’re trying to maintain a healthy diet.

While fruit teas are generally considered healthier than sugary drinks, they do contain calories. In this article, we’ll explore the calorie content of fruit teas and offer tips for choosing low-calorie options.

Firstly, it’s important to understand that not all fruit teas are created equal when it comes to calorie count. Some varieties may have added sugar or artificial sweeteners, which can significantly increase their calorie content.

On the other hand, some types of fruit teas are naturally low in calories and can be an excellent option for those watching their weight or looking to make healthier drink choices. By learning more about the specific ingredients in your favorite fruit tea blends, you can make informed decisions about how they fit into your overall diet plan.

Understanding the Calorie Content of Fruit Teas

You’ll be surprised to know that many fruit teas can actually contain a significant amount of calories, with some popular blends containing up to 80 calories per serving. This is because the calorie content of a fruit tea largely depends on the ingredients used in making it.

For instance, if a fruit tea contains dried fruits or added sugars, its calorie count will increase significantly. On the other hand, calorie-free fruit teas are those that don’t contain any added sugars or artificial sweeteners.

Fruit tea and its calorie free options

It’s important to note that even though some fruit teas have high-calorie counts, they still offer numerous health benefits. Fruits are packed with essential vitamins and minerals that help improve your overall health. Therefore, if you’re looking for a healthy alternative to sugary drinks like soda or juice, drinking fruit tea can be an excellent choice.

However, it’s crucial to read the labels carefully when purchasing fruit teas and opt for calorie-free options if you’re trying to maintain a low-calorie diet.

Tips for Choosing Low-Calorie Fruit Teas

Looking for low-calorie options when it comes to fruit teas? Here are some tips to consider.

First, pay attention to the fruit tea flavors you choose. Some fruits naturally have more sugar and calories than others, so opt for flavors like lemon or passionfruit over mango or peach. Additionally, consider choosing blends that combine several lower-calorie fruits instead of just one.

Secondly, be mindful of your brewing techniques. Using hot water can extract more calories from the tea leaves than using cold water, so try cold-brewing your fruit teas for a lower calorie option. You can also dilute your tea with sparkling water or ice cubes to make it last longer without adding extra calories.

By following these tips, you can enjoy delicious fruit teas without worrying about the calorie count!

Benefits of Drinking Fruit Teas

Drinking fruit teas can be a tasty and healthy way to enjoy the natural benefits of different fruits. Not only do they offer unique flavor varieties, but they also provide essential vitamins and antioxidants. Fruit teas are made by infusing fruit pieces or extracts into hot water using various brewing techniques. These teas are caffeine-free, making them an ideal choice for those looking for a healthier alternative to traditional tea or coffee.

Here are some benefits of drinking fruit teas:

Rich in antioxidantsFruit teas contain high levels of polyphenols which help protect the body against damage from free radicals.
Boosts immune systemThe vitamin C content in different fruits used to make these teas helps strengthen the immune system and prevent illness.
Helps with digestionMany fruit teas aid in digestion by promoting regular bowel movements and soothing stomach discomforts such as bloating and cramps.
Low calorie optionMost fruit teas have little to no calories, making them an excellent choice for weight watchers who want to curb their sweet cravings without adding extra calories.
Fruit tea options

Overall, drinking fruit tea is not only delicious but also offers numerous health benefits that cannot be ignored. So go ahead and brew yourself a cup of fruity goodness today!

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any fruit teas that are completely calorie-free?

Picture yourself sitting in your favorite cafe, sipping on a refreshing glass of fruit tea. The flavors dance on your tongue and you can’t help but wonder if this delicious drink is calorie-free.
While many fruit teas do contain calories, there are options out there that won’t sabotage your diet goals. Some brands use artificial sweeteners instead of sugar to add flavor without the added calories.
However, it’s important to note that not all artificial sweeteners are created equal and some may have potential health risks. So next time you’re craving a fruity pick-me-up, be sure to check the label for any added sugars or consider trying a calorie-free option with artificial sweeteners.

How do the calorie contents of fruit teas compare to other types of tea?

When it comes to calorie comparison, fruit teas tend to have a slightly higher nutritional value than other types of tea.
While all teas are relatively low in calories, the addition of fruit flavors and natural sweeteners can bump up the calorie count slightly.
However, this increase is often negligible and should not deter you from enjoying a delicious cup of fruit tea.
In fact, many fruit teas contain valuable antioxidants and vitamins that can benefit your overall health.
So don’t worry too much about the calorie content – just sit back, relax, and savor the fruity goodness!

Can fruit teas help with weight loss or management?

Looking to lose or manage your weight? Fruit teas can be a great addition to your diet! They offer many benefits, such as being low in calories and high in antioxidants.

However, it’s important to consider the risks as well. Some fruit teas may contain added sugars or artificial flavorings, which can increase calorie intake and potentially harm your health.

To reap the most benefits from fruit tea for weight loss, stick with natural fruit flavors like lemon, berry, or peach. These fruits are known for their weight-loss properties and can help boost metabolism and burn fat.

So grab a cup of delicious fruit tea and enjoy its many benefits while keeping an eye on the ingredients for best results!

Are there any potential negative side effects of drinking fruit teas?

When it comes to drinking fruit teas, there are potential side effects that you should be aware of.

While many fruit teas can provide a variety of nutritional benefits, some may contain high levels of caffeine or sugar which can lead to negative health consequences such as anxiety, insomnia and weight gain.

Additionally, certain fruits used in tea blends may interact with medications or cause allergic reactions in some individuals.

It’s important to carefully read the ingredient list and nutrition label before consuming any fruit tea and consult with your healthcare provider if you have any concerns about potential side effects.

To fully enjoy the benefits of fruit tea, it’s recommended that you consume at least 2-3 cups per day.

Drinking fruit tea can help boost your immune system, improve digestion, and reduce your risk of chronic diseases.

There are various flavors of fruit tea available in the market such as strawberry, peach, lemon, and many more. Each flavor has its unique health benefits that cater to different needs like improving heart health or reducing stress levels.

So if you want to experience the full range of health benefits from drinking fruit teas, try out different flavors and incorporate them into your daily routine!


So, you’re wondering if all fruit teas have calories? The answer is yes, but the amount can vary depending on the type and ingredients.

It’s important to understand the calorie content of your tea so that you can make informed decisions about what you consume. When choosing a low-calorie fruit tea, look for options that are made with natural sweeteners like honey or stevia instead of sugar. You can also opt for iced teas or herbal blends that don’t contain any added sweeteners at all.

Remember that portion size also plays a role in calorie intake, so be mindful of how much tea you consume in one sitting. As the old adage goes, ‘you are what you eat,’ and this applies to what we drink as well.

Drinking fruit teas can provide numerous health benefits such as antioxidants and vitamins while also satisfying your thirst. So go ahead and enjoy a cup of fruity goodness knowing that with a little knowledge and mindful choices, you can indulge without guilt.

Different ways to brew different teas

Reading Time: 18 minutes

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All the different ways to brew tea

Are you looking for a unique and delicious way to enjoy your tea? Look no further! Brewing tea is an art form, and I’m here to teach you the tricks of the trade. With just a few simple steps, you can create flavorful cups full of mouth-watering aromas that’ll tantalize both your taste buds and your senses. Whether it’s black tea or green tea, herbal teas, or tisanes, I’ve got you covered with my expert brewing advice. So let’s get started on unlocking the secrets of the perfect cup of steaming hot tea!

Tea brewing doesn’t have to be complicated; in fact, it can be quite easy once you know what methods work best for different types of leaves. For example, loose-leaf tea requires more preparation than pre-packaged bags but yields much more flavor when done correctly. On the other hand, some herbal infusions need only boiling water poured over them—no fuss is required! It all depends on what type of beer you prefer.

No matter how experienced a brewer you are, there will always be something new to learn about making great-tasting teas. In this article, we’ll explore various techniques from around the world so that you can brew something special every time. Now grab yourself a mug and let’s get brewing!

Tea Varieties

Brewing the perfect cup of tea is a timeless art. One sip, and you’ll find yourself transported to faraway lands, experiencing diverse cultures and flavors. Whether it’s oolong tea from China or herbal tea from India, each variety has its own unique characteristics.

Let’s start with oolong tea. This type of tea follows a complex process that requires skilled hands and plenty of patience. It begins with carefully plucking the delicate leaves in early spring before they are withered in the sun and lightly oxidized to bring out their natural flavor. From there, these leaves are hand-rolled into small balls that unfurl when steeped for a deliciously fragrant brew.

Chai tea also offers an exotic experience, as its roots can be traced back thousands of years to ancient India. This spiced black tea is brewed with aromatic herbs like cardamom, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, and ginger root, all blended together for optimum flavor and health benefits from fruit tea. To make chai at home, simply simmer on medium heat until desired strength, then add milk or honey if desired!

Matcha green tea has become increasingly popular lately due to its abundance of antioxidants and calming effects on the body and mind. While regular green teas are made by steeping loose-leaf tea in hot water, matcha powder is whisked directly in hot water until frothy, creating a vibrant green color that looks beautiful served over ice or whipped into lattes!

Rooibos tea is a caffeine-free alternative that hails from South Africa, where it has been traditionally used as an herbal remedy for centuries thanks to its high antioxidant content. Rooibos has a gentle, sweet taste, which makes it great for brewing both cold and hot drinks, so don’t hesitate to experiment with different recipes! Understanding how each variety differs will help ensure your next cup is nothing short of perfection, no matter what journey awaits you afterward.

Equipment needed for Black Tea

Brewing tea at home doesn’t have to be intimidating. With the right utensils and equipment, you can make a flavorful cup of tea in no time. To start with, you’ll need an infuser for loose-leaf teas or a strainer for bags and sachets. If you plan on making multiple cups, consider using a teapot that is designed to steep larger amounts of tea leaves quickly. A tea scoop is also helpful if you’re measuring out large quantities. Lastly, having a kettle to heat up water will help get your brew going faster.

When selecting any brewing device, keep in mind the amount of tea you want to make as well as how much space it requires when not in use. Consider purchasing items made from stainless steel or non-toxic materials such as ceramic or glass so they last longer. Additionally, check to see if accessories like lids are included before buying.

clear glass teapot on table
a nice fancy way to brew tea

No matter what type of equipment you choose, following instructions carefully is essential for achieving optimal flavor results every time. Also, remember that depending on the type of tea being brewed, different temperatures may be required for ideal steeping times and taste profiles; some prefer room temperature while others call for boiling hot water!

In order to master your own great cup of tea at home, experiment with various tools and techniques until you find what works best for your palate and preferences.

Temperature and Steeping Time

Temperature and steeping time are two of the most important elements to consider when brewing tea. The temperature of the water can affect the final flavor of your tea, so it is essential to choose an appropriate one for each type. Generally speaking, white teas should be brewed at cooler temperatures, while black teas require boiling water. Green and oolong teas steep best in hotter water—closer but not quite at a boil, somewhere between 165 and 185 degrees Fahrenheit.

Ways to brew black tea

It’s also important to keep track of how long you’re infusing your tea leaves; this will vary depending on the variety that you are using. Black teas often take up to five minutes, or longer if you wish for more robust flavors; green, yellow, and white teas usually only need 3-4 minutes for optimal results; and oolongs typically sit somewhere in between those two timespans, about four minutes. If left too long, any kind of tea may become overly bitter or astringent-tasting.

When deciding upon what temperature to use and how much time to give your chosen blend, always consult the instructions written on its packaging, as they may differ from the suggested guidelines. Also bear in mind that brewing multiple cups of tea consecutively can decrease the ideal brew temperature by as much as 10°F (5°C) per cup after the first one due to heat dissipation within the pot itself.

In order to ensure perfect cups every time, remember to pay attention to both brewing temperature and steeping duration!

Sweetening and flavoring

According to recent studies, an estimated 80% of people in the United States opt for a sweeter cup when brewing tea. Sweetening and flavoring can take many forms during the process. Honey is often used due to its natural sweetness as well as its beneficial properties. Sugar or syrup are also popular options that bring out the flavors of any variety of tea. Spices such as cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, and cloves may be added depending on personal preference; they add depth and complexity to each sip. For those who prefer something more refreshing, adding mint leaves or citrus fruits like lemon or lime works wonders.

When it comes to sweeteners and flavorings, experimentation is key! Don’t be afraid to try different combinations until you find what suits your individual tastes best. The ratio of sugar to milk should also be adjusted according to preferences; too much sugar might make the drink overly sweet, while not enough will leave it lacking in flavor. Additionally, consider adding some spices for an extra kick—even just a pinch can go a long way! Lastly, remember that steep time plays an important role here: if you’re using honey or another liquid sweetener, make sure to give the tea plenty of time to infuse with these additional ingredients before serving up your perfect cup!

Health Benefits

Brewing tea offers a range of health benefits that can improve your overall well-being. Green tea, for instance, is known to contain powerful antioxidants that help protect cells from oxidative damage and have been linked to improved cardiovascular health. Herbal teas such as chamomile, hibiscus, and peppermint are often used to reduce stress levels. Black tea has also been associated with increased alertness and cognitive function. Oolong tea is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, which may aid in reducing the risk of chronic diseases. Lastly, rooibos tea contains polyphenols, which could potentially fight cancerous cells.

In addition to these medicinal benefits, regular consumption of brewed tea can boost immunity and provide relief from digestive issues like constipation or indigestion. It’s even believed that drinking certain types of herbal teas can reduce symptoms related to anxiety or depression. All of these factors make brewing tea an excellent option for those looking to improve their overall physical health and mental well-being.

Tea brewing doesn’t only bring numerous advantages when it comes to our bodies; it also affects our daily lives positively by helping us relax after a long day at work or providing energy on days when we feel low on motivation. Furthermore, this beverage allows us to take some time out just for ourselves, away from all the chaos and distractions so often present in life today, enabling us to create moments of peace and relaxation throughout our busy schedules.

Therefore, whether you choose hot or cold brews made with green, black, or oolong leaves; herbal infusions such as chamomile or lavender; or opt for caffeine-free options like rooibos tea, there will always be something special waiting inside every cup! So why not give yourself the gift of wellness today?

Frequently Asked Questions about brewing Tea

What temperature should I heat the water to?

When it comes to brewing the perfect cup of tea, one of the most important things is choosing the right water temperature. The ideal water temperature for making your favorite type of tea can vary greatly depending on what kind of tea you are brewing. Knowing the proper way to heat up your water when brewing tea is essential in order to get optimal flavor and aromas from your chosen leaves. Here’s an overview of how to determine the best water temperature for tea:
To begin with, it’s helpful to understand that different types of tea require different temperatures during their respective brew times. For instance, white and green teas typically need cooler temperatures around 160–180°F (71–82°C), whereas black and herbal teas tend to do better at a higher temperature ranging from 205-212°F (96–100°C). Oolong falls somewhere in between these two ranges at about 190–205°F (88–96°C).
A good rule of thumb when selecting a brewing temperature is to consider both the variety and quality of your tea leaves or bagged blend. Generally speaking, lower-quality loose leaf or bagged blends may be able to withstand higher temperatures without becoming too bitter, while high-grade varieties should usually be brewed at a slightly lower range. To ensure optimal results every time, here are some tips for heating up the water correctly:
Use filtered or bottled spring water instead of tap water; this will help avoid any unpleasant flavors caused by chlorine or other minerals that could negatively affect your brew.
Boil enough water so that all ingredients can steep properly based on their desired infusion times.
Optimal steeping requires precise control over temperatures; using tools like digital thermometers, electric kettles with temperature settings, or even stovetop models equipped with thermometers can be helpful when attempting more complex recipes.
When reheating leftover cold tea, make sure not to boil it again but rather just bring it back up close to its original boiling point before serving.
As with any recipe involving food preparation, knowing what tool works best for each situation can go a long way towards producing consistent results and delicious cups every time you make yourself some tea! By understanding the differences between various types and qualities of tea and learning which methods work best for controlling temperatures accurately, anyone can become an expert in no time.

What Is The Best Type Of Tea To Brew?

Brewing the perfect cup of tea can be an art. There are so many different types and varieties to choose from, but which one is the best? When it comes to brewing tea, there are a few key things that you need to take into consideration:

Green tea is a classic type of tea known for its light flavor and low caffeine content.

Iced tea is refreshing, flavorful, and easy to make at home with just water and your favorite tea bags.

Chai Tea: This popular spiced black tea has a unique flavor profile due to its combination of spices such as cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, nutmeg, and pepper.

Black Tea: Bold in both taste and color, this traditional type of tea offers a robust flavor profile that’s sure to satisfy any palate.

Herbal Tea: Although not technically “tea”, herbal infusions provide a soothing blend of herbs like chamomile or lavender that can help relax the body and mind.

For those who enjoy their morning cuppa or afternoon pick-me-up beverage while they work on tasks throughout the day, choosing the right type of tea depends largely on individual preferences. For instance, if someone is looking for something energizing, black teas tend to offer more kick than green teas. On the other hand, if someone desires a relaxing experience, then herbal tisanes may be more appropriate than black or green teas since they don’t contain any actual caffeinated leaves from Camellia sinensis plants.
Additionally, some people might prefer cold beverages such as iced teas over hot ones — especially during warmer months when temperatures soar! Lastly, for those seeking out an exotic option with spice notes reminiscent of Indian cuisine, chai tea could prove quite satisfying indeed!

When selecting the ideal type of brew for yourself, there really isn’t a wrong answer—everyone’s tastes differ after all! Experiment by trying out different flavors until you settle on your personal favorites; before long, you’ll have mastered what works best for you in terms of aroma and flavor profiles. Remember also that all these options come with varying leve

How Long Should I Steep The Tea For?

When it comes to brewing the perfect cup of tea, one of the most important factors is steep time. Steeping your tea for too little or too long can make all the difference between a flavorful cup and a weak-tasting beverage. Knowing how long to steep your tea is essential to creating an enjoyable drink.
The duration for which you should brew your tea depends on what type of tea you are using.

Generally, black teas need about three to five minutes of steeping, while green teas require two to four minutes. White teas usually only need one minute, but some more delicate varieties may take up to two minutes, depending on their origin. As far as herbal teas go, they often need anywhere from five to seven minutes for optimal flavor extraction. It’s important to note that these guidelines are just estimates; the best way to determine the ideal amount of time for each specific blend is through trial and error until you find your personal preference.

To get started, use short-boiling water when brewing any type of tea; this helps extract maximum flavor without burning away subtle notes or aromatics present in high-quality blends. Additionally, consider investing in a timer so you’re able to keep track of when exactly it’s time to stop steeping your tea and remove it from its hot bath before it becomes overly bitter or astringent due to over brewing. Once done with the initial infusion process, feel free to adjust brewing times according to taste preferences if desired; sometimes even adding an extra 30 seconds can yield surprisingly delicious results!
In summary, determining the right steeping time for different types of tea is essential for achieving optimum flavor extraction and enjoyment during drinking sessions. While general guidelines regarding tasting times based on various categories, such as black, green, white, and herbal infusions, exist, ultimately experimenting with shorter or longer periods will help discover individualized preferences that allow everyone to enjoy their favorite drinks tailored specifically to themselves!

What Is the Best Way to Sweeten Tea?

When it comes to sweetening tea, there are many options. What is the best way? Well, that depends on your preferences and health goals. Tea sweeteners can range from sugar teas to honey teas to agave teas. Let’s look at a few of the popular choices for adding sweetness to your brew!
Sugar tea is probably the most common type of sweetened tea you’ll find in homes or cafes. It’s easy to use and adds a pleasant flavor without being too overpowering. However, if you’re trying to avoid processed sugars, then this may not be the best option for you.
Honey tea is another great choice when it comes to sweetening up your cup of tea. Honey has natural antibacterial properties, which can help boost your immune system while also providing some extra sweetness. Plus, it has a unique taste that pairs well with certain types of herbal teas.
Agave tea is becoming increasingly popular as an alternative sweetener due to its lower glycemic index than other forms of sugar. This makes it easier for those who have diabetes or blood sugar issues to enjoy their favorite hot beverage without worrying about spiking their glucose levels. Agave has a milder taste compared to regular table sugar but still provides enough sweetness for most people’s tastes.
No matter what kind of sweetener you choose, just remember that adding too much can leave an unpleasant aftertaste and even alter the original flavor profile of your chosen brew, so start small and adjust according to personal preference!

Are There Any Health Benefits To Drinking Tea?

For centuries, tea has been steeped in history and culture—but what about its potential health benefits? From green to black and oolong teas, the types of tea are plentiful—and so too might be their positive effects on our bodies. As a tea brewing expert, I’m here to discuss the potential health benefits of drinking this beloved beverage.

health benefits of tea
a classy cup of tea

When it comes to enjoying a cup of tea for your well-being, there is plenty of research that may make you reach for another mugful. Studies suggest that certain types of tea can provide antioxidant-rich compounds, which are believed to help protect cells from DNA damage caused by free radicals. Additionally, some researchers believe that these polyphenols found in teas may reduce inflammation and could even play a role in reducing blood cholesterol levels. It’s also suggested that drinking tea helps promote gut health as well as improve mental alertness due to its caffeine content.

But before we get into all the possible advantages of consuming various forms of tea, let’s take a look at how they differ in terms of nutrient composition and taste profiles. Black teas boast more robust flavors, while green teas have lighter notes and slightly higher levels of antioxidants than other varieties like oolong or white teas. Whether brewed hot or cold, each type offers unique flavor experiences paired with varying concentrations of beneficial nutrients such as lutein and flavonoids.

So why choose tea over coffee or other beverages when looking for an energizing pick-me-up? Well, tea contains less caffeine than coffee, meaning it won’t leave you feeling jittery nor will it cause dehydration if consumed moderately throughout the day. Plus, it can come with a host of additional health benefits depending on what type you drink! Tea has long been associated with improving digestion, boosting energy levels, aiding weight loss efforts, and promoting relaxation, making it an ideal choice for those seeking out refreshments without compromising overall wellness goals.

From providing natural sources of hydration to supplying key vitamins and minerals needed daily, plants offer us a variety of options when considering ways to boost our physical and mental well-being through diet alone. And although evidence suggests there are many potential benefits to sipping different sorts of tea regularly, always remember to consume any food or beverage responsibly according to individual needs and preferences!

Conclusion to brewing up your tea

Brewing the perfect cup of tea is a skill that takes time, patience, and understanding. It’s not just about heating up water and dropping in a teabag; it’s an art form. To make sure you get the most out of your cup of tea every time, I suggest following these simple steps:

First, heat your water to the optimal temperature for your chosen type of tea; too hot or cold will ruin the flavor. Then add loose leaf tea or herbal infusions for maximum taste potential; some people prefer pre-bagged varieties, but this won’t give you quite as much flavor punch. Finally, steep according to instructions (usually between three and five minutes) and then sweeten if desired with honey or sugar syrup.

By using these guidelines while crafting my own special brews over the years, I’ve been able to enjoy many cups of delicious and healthy tea! Not only can drinking tea be a pleasurable experience, but studies have shown that regular consumption may provide health benefits such as improved cardiovascular function and better weight management results. So don’t forget: brewing isn’t just boiling—it’s an art form waiting for you to explore!

Tea of the Month club in Canada

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Want to add some excitement to your tea?

The tea of the month club is for you! With the tea of the month club, you’ll start each month with a fresh bag of mystery tea. You’ve got two options, depending on how adventurous you are:

Option 1: The Mystery Bag

Just like it sounds – each month you get a mystery bag of tea shipped to your door. To make sure you get the kinds of tea you like, you also pre-select the tea category (black, green, herbal, and so on). This is a great way to try out new teas – TheTeaCupany has over 85 blends!

Black Tea of the month club

Green Tea of the month club

Herbal Mix of the month club

Option 2: The Sort of Mystery-ish Bag
Don’t want to take the plunge with a full-on mystery tea? The Sort of Mystery-ish Bag is a twist on The Mystery Bag: you actually choose your blends. But we choose when you get them. This gives the fun of a mystery tea, but lets pickier tea drinkers know they’ll get tea they’ll love.

Mystery Mix of the month club


Where do you ship?

The TheTeaCupany Tea of the Month Club is currently only open to Canadian orders only. We are looking to expand this as soon as possible.

How much tea will I get each month?

Each month you will receive two 25-gram bags of teas/tisanes/herbal mixes.

When will I get my tea?

The bags will be mailed out the first week of every month.

Can I give this as a gift?

Yes, as long as the recipient is in Canada.

Will I get the same tea twice?

No. We guarantee that each month you will receive an entirely new tea in your chosen category

How many months of tea do I get with each purchase?

The tea of the month club runs for 3 months per purchase.

How do I get the mystery-ish info to you and are there any restrictions on the choices?

If you would like the mystery-ish tea of the month club you can either include the choices you would like on the PayPal screen for special instructions to the seller, or send an email with your name and choices to [email protected]

There are very few teas that cannot be ordered which include our white teas, and some of the chamomile-based teas. The reason is that due to the volume of the tea, it does not fit in the bags we have for the tea of the month club.

How much does the tea of the month club cost?

The tea of the month club is $35.00 per 3 months which includes all shipping costs. As the shipping costs are included in this purchase tea of the month orders cannot be used towards free shipping orders.

Our Best ways to brew tea

Reading Time: 20 minutes

Table of Contents

The Best Ways To Brew Black Tea – in our opinions 🙂

Ah, the warm and comforting aroma of a freshly brewed cup of black tea. Whether you take it with milk or sugar, sweetened or unsweetened, there’s something truly special about this timeless beverage. From its ancient roots to its modern-day popularity, black tea has become an integral part of the culture for many across the world. But how do you brew that perfect cuppa? Well, today I’m here to share some of my top tips on how to make the best black tea!

Does changing the brew method change the caffeine?

For those looking to get their daily dose of caffeine in their black tea, while enjoying a delicate flavor profile and subtle nuances in every sip, then brewing classic black tea is definitely the way forward. This time-honored method ensures that your cup will be full of robust flavors from start to finish. With just a few simple steps – such as heating up water at just the right temperature – you can easily craft that perfectly balanced blend that’s sure to leave you feeling energized and refreshed.

Whats best for black teas?

From floral earl greys and smoky Lapsang Souchongs to earthy Darjeelings and bold Assams – each type has its own distinct character which allows us to explore all sorts of exciting flavor combinations. So if you want to learn more about brewing delicious cups of black teas with ease, read on…

Choosing The Right Black Tea

As a tea lover, choosing the right black tea is absolutely essential. It’s important to consider where the tea comes from and how it’s grown – organic teas are often higher-grade than industrially produced ones. Also take into account if you want a single origin or blend: while blends can offer unique flavors, there’s nothing quite like sipping on an expertly crafted single-origin!

flat view photography of cup of tea
a nice picture of a black tea cup

Then of course, brewing method plays its part too. Black tea loves boiling water for optimal flavor extraction; however, steeping times and temperatures vary depending on the type of black tea. Oolongs generally require lower temperature water than Assams do, for example. But don’t fret – with just a bit of experimenting (and lots of tasting), soon enough you’ll find your favorite way to brew that perfect cup of black tea!

Preparing Loose Leaf Tea

Brewing the perfect cup of tea is a ritual that should be savored and enjoyed. There’s nothing quite like the aroma, taste, and warmth of a freshly-prepared loose leaf tea. Taking your time to prepare it just right can make all the difference in obtaining maximum flavor from the leaves. One of our favorites, which takes a bit of work is gunpowder tea. If you haven’t heard of it, or the benefits of gunpowder tea, make sure you check out our article on them. Its awesome.

With so many types of black tea available, you’ll want to select one that suits your individual preferences. Once you’ve chosen your favorite variety, consider adding some special touches such as spices or herbs for an enhanced experience. Then, it’s time to start preparing! Boil fresh water at about 212°F (100°C) before carefully measuring out 1-2 teaspoons of tea per cup into an infuser basket or strainer. Allow the tea to steep between 3 – 7 minutes depending on how strong you prefer it; then pour into a teapot or mug and sit back with delight as you enjoy every sip of this richly aromatic beverage.

person holding blue and white ceramic bowl
a great looking tin of loose leaf tea

For those who love a good cuppa – there really isn’t anything better than brewing yourself up a nice hot pot full of deliciousness! Why not take some time out today and indulge in a few moments of blissful contemplation while enjoying the fruits of your labor?

Boiling The Water

Brewing black tea is an art form that many people have perfected over centuries. It’s estimated that 1.6 billion cups of tea are consumed daily, and for good reason – the rich flavor and aroma of a freshly brewed cup of black tea can be truly delightful.

When it comes to preparing loose leaf tea, boiling the water correctly is essential if you want to get the best out of your leaves. Temperature is key here – too hot and you’ll burn off all those precious flavors; too cold and you won’t enjoy the full potential of your brew. If you’re using a teapot, then simply bring your water to a boil before pouring into the pot with your desired quantity of leaves inside. For more adventurous types, why not try heating up your teapot directly on the stove! As any veteran tea-drinker will tell you: there’s no better feeling than enjoying a perfectly prepared cup of black tea after going through this laborious process.

kettle on gas stove
nice warm water for nice warm tea

For those who don’t have access to freshly boiled water (or just don’t feel like waiting!), room temperature or cooled boiled water also works fine as long as you give it enough time to steep in order for all those delicious flavors to come out! Whether at home or in a cafe, take some time to appreciate each step involved in brewing black tea – from boiling the right amount of water at just the right temperature to selecting quality loose-leaf varieties – every aspect contributes towards making sure we savor every drop!

Steeping The Tea

Brewing the perfect cup of black tea is like a piece of art. Each step in the process contributes to its unique taste, and every detail matters. Steeping the tea is no exception; it’s an essential part of creating that special brew.

Once you’ve boiled your water, take out your favorite teapot or mug. Place one teaspoon of loose-leaf tea for each 8 ounces of hot water into the container and steep for 3-5 minutes. This will provide enough time for all those delicious flavors to be extracted from the leaves, without making it too bitter. If you’re using bags instead, just add one bag per cup of boiling water and let steep for two to three minutes depending on preference.

As you wait patiently while your tea steeps, why not enjoy the aromas wafting through the air? Once finished steeping, pour yourself a cup and savor this moment – after all, brewing great-tasting black tea takes skill!

Knowing When To Remove The Tea Leaves

“A watched pot never boils,” is a timeless saying that applies to tea brewing just as much as anything else. Knowing when to remove the tea leaves from your cup of black tea can be tricky, but with a few tips and tricks, it can become second nature.

Brewing times vary depending on what type of tea you are using and how strong you want it to be. Generally speaking, lighter teas like Darjeeling should steep no more than three minutes while heartier varieties such as Assam or Ceylon can go four to five minutes for optimal flavor. But it’s not only about time – temperature plays an important role too! For example, green teas need cooler temperatures at around 175°F whereas Oolong should be brewed at 190-200°F in order to bring out its full potential.

closeup photo of green ceramic cup with tea
nice looking green tea set

Once you have found the perfect blend of timing and temperature for your favorite variety, all that is left is deciding when exactly to remove the tea leaves from your cup. One way to do this is by tasting every 30 seconds starting from one minute into steeping. That way, you will quickly get familiar with how hot water affects your specific type of leaf over time and learn precisely when they reach their peak flavor profile. Or if you prefer, use a timer so that you don’t ever forget! Tea lovers know: quality always trumps quantity when it comes to crafting the perfect brew.

Adding Milk Or Lemon To Tea

The addition of milk or lemon to tea is often a matter of personal preference – but could there be more to it than that? After all, our ancestors have been adding these things for centuries – so are they just tradition, or do they actually improve the flavor and experience of black tea?

Well, if you’re looking for an extra creamy flavor with your cup o’ brew then milk is the way to go. It softens the tannins in tea, giving it a smoother taste. Plus, if you’re using loose leaf tea (which we totally recommend) you can use any type of milk: cow’s milk, almond milk, soy milk…the list goes on! As far as lemons go, they help to bring out some of the subtle notes in black teas while also providing a little bit of tartness which cuts through stronger flavors like Assam or Darjeeling. Even better still – it adds a nice sunny hue to your cuppa!

But don’t take my word for it – try different combinations yourself and see what works best for your palate. You’ll soon find that finding the perfect combination will make sipping your favorite blend even more enjoyable!

Flavoring The Tea

Did you know that over 80% of tea drinkers in the US add some kind of flavoring to their tea? That’s why it’s important to learn how best to flavor your favorite brew. There are many ways to enhance a cup of black tea, so let’s take a look at what makes for an enjoyable experience!

From spices like cinnamon and cardamom to adding fruits like raspberries or oranges, there is something out there for everyone when it comes to spicing up a classic black tea. But if you’re looking for something truly special – try honey or ginger. Both have sweet and spicy flavors that will give any cup of tea an extra kick. For those who prefer creamier teas, try stirring in almond butter or coconut milk – both make for delicious creamy blends without having to use cow’s milk.

For fans of more exotic tastes, African rooibos tea is one way to really ramp up the flavor stakes. Rooibos has a unique taste, which can be described as earthy but also fruity with notes of vanilla and caramel. It pairs perfectly with brown sugar too, so don’t hesitate to experiment until you find the perfect blend! Whether you love bolder flavors or simple sweetness – flavoring your black tea should always be about finding your own unique combination that gives you joy every time you enjoy a hot cup! And if you don’t know how to say rooibos, don’t worry as we’ve done an easy-to-read write-up so you can know how to pronounce it.

Serving Black Tea

Sitting down with a hot cup of black tea is like wrapping yourself in an embrace of warmth and belonging. For many, it’s the ultimate comfort beverage, providing not only physical refreshment but emotional solace as well. Serving up this tried-and-true classic can be incredibly rewarding and satisfying.

The first step is to choose your vessel carefully; after all, presentation counts for everything! A traditional china teapot or glass teapot looks beautiful and adds a touch of elegance to any gathering. Using loose leaf tea rather than bags lets you customize your brew according to strength and flavor preference – plus it just tastes better! Steeping the leaves for five minutes will yield a strong, flavorful cup that’s perfect for enjoying alone or sharing with friends. Don’t forget to add some honey or sugar if desired (or even cinnamon!), stirring gently until dissolved so everyone can enjoy their ideal blend.

white ceramic cup on white and blue floral ceramic saucer
A beauTEAful cup of black tea

When it comes time to serve, don’t forget about all the details: from delicate porcelain cups to stainless steel strainers, there are plenty of options out there for whatever occasion you have planned! Whether hosting a cozy get-together or simply savoring a solitary moment at home, making sure that each cup is brewed perfectly makes all the difference in how much you’ll enjoy sipping on your very own unique creation.

Storing Tea Leaves

The ritual of storing tea leaves is an integral part of the brewing process and symbolizes a connection to our ancient past. It’s almost as if, by embracing these practices, we can tap into something greater than ourselves – that sense of belonging that so many crave in modern times.

When it comes to black tea, every connoisseur knows how crucial storage is for maintaining optimal flavor. Storing your loose-leaf tea correctly ensures you get the most out of its boldness and complexity when brewed. Place dried leaves inside an airtight container away from any moisture and direct sunlight, such as a dark cupboard or pantry shelf. The best way to enjoy the exquisite flavours of black teas is by using them within six months before they lose their potency over time.

It’s amazing to think that with just a few simple steps, we can create remarkable cups of delicious brews while honoring traditions passed down through generations!

Brewing Iced Tea

Ah, the sweet and refreshing taste of brewing iced tea! It’s a favorite pastime for many tea aficionados – myself included. There’s something about its crisp flavor that invites us to keep coming back for more.

4 ways to brew perfect ICED tea

Brewing iced tea is an art in itself – one must take great care when selecting which kind of leaves to use and how long to steep them. But with patience and practice, you can easily master this delightful craft. To begin, start by combining several tablespoons of loose-leaf black tea into a pot or pitcher of freshly boiled water. Let it sit until the desired strength has been reached before transferring it into a carafe or jug filled with ice cubes. For those who prefer their drinks sweeter, feel free to add some simple syrup or honey while the beverage is still hot. And there you have it – perfectly brewed iced tea crafted right at home!

The exquisite aroma that wafts up from your glass as soon as you pour yourself a cup will make all the effort worth it. You’ll be able to enjoy each sip knowing that you’ve created something special; something truly unique just like no other batch out there. So grab yourself a tall glass and lets cheers to delicious iced teas made with love!

Making Sun Tea

Ah, sun tea! Nothing quite compares to that feeling of serenity when you take your first sip after brewing it in the sunshine. Not only is there something special about making this kind of tea but also drinking it can bring a sense of calm and contentment.

It’s surprisingly simple to make sun tea; all you need is your favorite black tea (loose leaf or bagged), some water, and lots of sunlight. Start by adding two teaspoons of your chosen tea into a jar full with cold filtered water. Then, shake the jar well for about 30 seconds until the leaves are fully submerged in liquid. Finally, place the jar out on your balcony or in direct sunlight for three hours – depending on how strong you like your brew. Presto! You have yourself a delicious cup of homemade iced black tea without having to boil any water at all.

Brewing sun tea may seem intimidating at first, but once you’ve mastered the basics, it becomes an easy go-to method for enjoying a refreshing glass anytime. Plus, its vibrancy will be sure to bring joy and relaxation right away! As a side note, Sun tea has raised some concerns about health-related problems. You will want to ensure everything is sterile and clean because if there is a growth within the canister it can lead to the continued growth of things that aren’t tea… and you don’t want that at all.

Reusing Tea Leaves

Brewing the perfect cup of black tea is an art form, and reusing those same leaves can be a great way to get a little more mileage out of your favorite cuppa! Reusing tea leaves not only helps us save money but also allows us to enjoy our beloved beverage without creating extra waste. What’s more, with just a few simple steps you can easily turn used tea into something fresh and flavorful.

To start, simply remove the used tea leaves from their original cup or teapot and set them aside in a separate container. When it comes time for round two, add freshly boiled water (or cold if you prefer) over the already-used leaves and let steep as usual. Depending on the type of tea, this steeping process may take anywhere from one minute to several hours – so make sure to follow the instructions that came with your specific kind of tea! After proper steeping time has elapsed, strain off any excess liquid and enjoy your slightly milder yet still delicious brew.

Reusing tea leaves is almost like having two cups of tea for the price of one! Whether you’re looking for ways to cut back on costs or just want to reduce your environmental footprint, there are plenty of reasons why this practice should become part of every avid tea lover’s routine. Plus, tinkering around with different types of infusions will undoubtedly bring about some interesting flavor combinations – who knows what delightful surprises await?

How To Make The Perfect Cup Of Black Tea

Ah, the perfect cup of black tea – something that every tea lover strives for! Brewing a delicious hot beverage is an art form and it takes time to master. But fear not: with just a few simple steps you can be on your way to creating liquid gold right in your own kitchen.

First off, start by boiling water in a kettle or pot until it reaches a rolling boil. Once boiled, fill up your cup or teapot allowing room at the top, as the tea will expand while brewing. Then add one teaspoon of loose leaf (or two if you prefer a stronger flavor) into the vessel followed by pouring in freshly boiled water from the kettle. Let this steep for three minutes before removing leaves and enjoy!

Adding milk and sugar are optional; however if you do choose to sweeten then make sure to use natural sugars such as honey or agave syrup instead of processed white sugar – these provide more health benefits whilst also adding unique flavors too. With all that said, grab yourself some good quality black tea leaves and get creative with experimenting with different infusion times until you find what works best for you!

Health Benefits Of Drinking Black Tea

Who would have thought that something so enjoyable could also be beneficial for your health? Black tea, the second most popular beverage in the world, is not only a delightful drink but it’s also filled with numerous benefits. Irony aside, let’s go ahead and dive into what makes black tea such an amazing beverage!

As any true tea lover knows, there are countless varieties of teas out there to choose from. But when it comes to overall good health, nothing beats sipping on some delicious black tea. Rich in antioxidants and polyphenols, drinking this type of tea can improve digestion, reduce inflammation, lower cholesterol levels, boost heart health and even help manage blood sugar levels. Not to mention the positive effects black tea has on mental well-being – studies suggest it may reduce stress and anxiety while improving concentration and alertness. Plus, if you want to ward off certain types of cancers or other illnesses like stroke and coronary artery disease – then regular consumption of black tea should definitely become part of your daily routine.

person holding blue ceramic mug and white magazine
a nice healthy cup of tea with your breakfast

Black Tea truly is an incredible beverage; from its flavourful aroma to its many healing properties — why wouldn’t you include it as part of your healthy lifestyle? With all these wonderful benefits firmly established, we just need one more thing: You! So come join us in celebrating our love for this unique brew by indulging yourself in a cup (or two) today.

Common Mistakes When Brewing Black Tea

Brewing black tea can be an art form, but it’s incredibly easy to get wrong. A single misstep in the process and you could end up with a bitter cup of disappointment that’ll make your taste buds scream! From water temperature to steep time, every detail matters when crafting the perfect brew.

If you’ve been wondering why you keep serving guests flat-tasting drinks, then don’t worry – we got you covered! Here are some common mistakes made by amateur tea brewers so that next time around no one has to suffer through subpar cuppas. Firstly, many people assume all teas should be brewed at boiling point – not true!

Over-brewed black tea can quickly become overwhelmingly astringent and unpleasant. To bring out its full flavor profile without any bitterness, use freshly drawn water heated just before boiling; this way, you won’t damage those delicate leaves. Secondly, many folks assume they need to steep their tea for long periods of time like herbal infusions. Not so fast! Black teas have larger leaf particles than other varieties which means they require less steeping time otherwise they will turn into a murky mess. Lastly, using too much tea is another rookie mistake; if there’s too much leaf matter per teaspoon of water ratio it’ll overpower the flavor and ruin the balance of your drink. So remember: measure twice, pour once! All these little tips are enough to guarantee an incredible cup of tea every single time so put them into practice today and savor fruitful results tomorrow!


Brewing black tea is a special art form. Each step in the process has an important role to play in the perfect cup of tea. From choosing the right type of black tea and boiling the water to steeping the leaves and knowing when to remove them, it takes knowledge and skill to make sure that each cup brings out all of its flavor notes.

The key takeaway here is that practice makes perfect; even if your first few attempts don’t turn out quite as expected, keep trying until you can brew a delicious cup with ease every time. It’s like learning to ride a bike: at first, it feels clumsy and awkward but eventually, you get used to it and understand how everything works together.

As a tea lover, I know firsthand just how enjoyable a good cup of hot black tea can be on a cold day or after an exhausting afternoon – there’s nothing quite like it! With dedication and patience, anyone can learn this timeless craft and enjoy their own unique blend of aromatic bliss.

What is herbal tea, and why it is not really tea.

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Introduction to herbal Tisanes

A herbal tea is considered not a real tea. This is because a tea is considered real if it comes from the tea plant called camellia sinensis. In this case, herbal tea does not come from camellia sinensis. It originated from different leaves or roots of plants or simply anything except tea leaves. Herbal tea is also another term for tisanes. So to recap, basically anything that does not come from 1 plant is not a real tea :)

What makes a herbal tea?

There are several things to consider in making herbal tea. First is to prepare the needed leaves, flower, or roots of the desired plant for tea, water, and sugar or honey. One should also know the reason why you are looking to make herbal tea as each different type of brew will have different qualities to them. If the goal is for relaxation, chamomile must be added into the tea for maximum effect. Chamomile (matricaria recutita) contains oil that helps relax smooth muscles inside the stomach. For every cup of boiling water, add one tablespoon of chamomile flowers. For uplifting the mood, blend an herbal tea with mixtures of Spearmint, thyme, and lavender. To be able to sooth the body or specifically cold, try adding eucalyptus, ginger, licorice root, or cinnamon.

what is a tisane?

Thyme (thymus vulgaris) can also be be added into the tea. This helps relax the bronchial spasms that causes cough or cold. Just add two teaspoons of dried thyme in one cup of boiling water for ten minutes. This must be taken three times a day. It is also important to know the exact amount of ingredients to prepare an herbal tea. The standard time for boiling the tea is up to five to ten minutes. Do not opt for longer minutes because it will only bring out the bitterness of the ingredients specially the leaves. If there are leaves, roots, or flowers floating, better use a strainer.

Herbal Tisanes for pregnant women

For pregnant women, it could be good to drink two to three cups of herbal teas daily. However there are still herbal teas that are not good for their body such as sage tea and parsley tea. Sage tea is bad for pregnant woman because it contains a chemical called thujone which causes high blood pressure and lead to other negative issues. Some herbal mixes are good for pregnant women such as valerian, chamomile, and raspberry leaf tea. It is also advisable to drink chamomile tea because it helps pregnant women to relax before going to sleep. Raspberry leaf tea helps relax the muscles so it might be good for some pregnant women to drink this mix when nearing the end of their pregnancy.

What is Honeybush, and is there really a Honeybush tea?

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Many times people will go into a tea store and look for something new that they have never had before. Whether it be Chamomile tea, Rooibos tea, or Jasmine tea sometimes people go in looking for one thing and end up with something that is not really a tea. Although these “teas” can be found in tea stores they actually don’t come from the only plant that actually makes “real tea” They come from other plants, which in tern makes them a Tisane. What is a Tisane? you might ask. Don’t worry if you don’t know and just click that link and you will have your full answer.

What is HoneyBush Tea?

Now back to the original story,about what Honeybush tea is, and what it is not. Honeybush is not a tea as it is actually a tisane or herbal mix that you can brew. It is tasty, sweet, and a great tea alternative if you are looking to brew something new up. Keep on reading and you will find out exactly what honeybush is, some possible health uses for honeybush, as well as how to brew honeybush.

Honeybush tea is a common name Cyclopia, a flowering plant from the legume family. The leaves of this plant is commonly used to make herbal teas or tisane. It abundantly grows in the southeast and southwest parts of South Africa and is very similar to rooibos. The name honeybush was derived from its smell which is honey. It is similar to rooibos because it tastes like it but a little sweeter. Boil this up to five minutes to make a tea.

Types of Honeybush

There are five species of honeybush tea widely spread for home and commercial use. First is cyclopia intermedia commonly known as bergtee or mountain tea. This kind of specie is found nearly between Port Elizabeth and edge of Langkloof. Second is cyclopia subtenarta. This is commonly known as vleitee (marshland tea) and valleitee (valley tea). Next is cyclopia genistoides known as kustee or coastal tea. This can be found mainly in the Western Cape near Yserfontein and Darling. Fourth is cyclopia sessiliflora, named after Heidelberg town in South Africa since it grows abundantly in the local mountain range. This specie is commonly known as Heidelberg-tee. Lastly is cyclopia maculata which grows mainly in Outeniqua area near George.

HoneyBush tea benefits

Honeybush tea is a natural treatment for some health issues. It can prevent cold and allergies, is also high in antioxidants and vitamins, and can easily ease stomach pains. It contains nutrients such as iron, potassium, calcium, copper, zinc, magnesium, manganese, and sodium. Iron in honeybush is 0.3 mg in every 240 ml.It is responsible for transporting the oxygen in the blood. Potassium (0.01 mg in 240 ml) is responsible for the metabolic processing of the body. The one making the strong teeth and bones is the Calcium (0.01 in 240 ml). Just like Potassium, Copper (0.003 mg in every 240 ml) is also taking responsibility for the metabolic processes of the body. Zinc (0.015 mg for 240 ml) helps the body in keeping skin healthy and normal growth. The one responsible for keeping the nervous system healthy is Magnesium (0.002 mg for every 240 ml). Manganese (0.11 mg for 240 ml) is the one necessary for the bone growth and development as well as metabolic processes of the body. Lastly is the Sodium (1.5 mg in 240 ml) that is necessary for fluid and acid-base balance.

If you are looking to make a perfect cup of Honeybush up just click on this link: How to brew Honeybush tea

What is Rooibos?

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What is Rooibos?

African rooibos is a plant that grows in a small portion in the province of Cape Town, South Africa. The scientific name for rooibos is asphalatus linearis. Its leaves are used to make the rooibos tisane, or rooibos tea. It is also known as the red bush tea, red tea, red rooibos, or simply rooibos. The resulting tea leaves and beverage is slightly brown to reddish in color and has a mild sweet, somewhat fruity taste.

How do you say Rooibos?

I know the first thing that you are probably wondering to yourself is if you are pronouncing it correctly. I will not lie, I have been saying apparently wrong for the past year and a bit… the way how to say rooibos is ROY BUS.

Types of Rooibos for brewing

green rooibos is also available, but is less common and more expensive than red rooibos. Green rooibos does not undergo the fermentation process, unlike the red rooibos variety.

Rooibos was considered to be a plant that grows in the wild, hence, considered as a wild tea. But since the 19th century, rooibos has been cultivated and grown in plantations in South Africa due to its potential profit. Attempts of cultivating rooibos in other countries have failed. This plant is seemingly specific to the climate and soil conditions of South Africa.

The African Rooibos tisane is a very popular beverage, especially in South Africa where its various uses has been discovered. It is very rich in antioxidants, low in tannins, and lacks caffeine. Today, rooibos is becoming popular around the world, especially in the Western Countries, and most especially to health-conscious consumers.

What should good quality Rooibos look like?

High quality rooibos leaves should be whole, long, and needle-like in shape. They produce a richer and darker taste whereas short, crumpled leaves produce a slightly dusty taste. Loose leaves produce a richer and higher quality but teabags are more convenient to use. Flavored and plain rooibos are available in the market. Some are infused with other herbs and fruits. It can be enjoyed hot or cold, with or without milk. It can be plain, or sweetened with sugar or honey. Rooibos contains no additive and colorants. Its red color is primarily due to the fermentation process this plant undergoes.

A great video about the history of Rooibos

Rooibos has been a big part of the South African culture. Today, rooibos is becoming famous around the world due to its unique taste and health benefits. Rooibos truly deserves the praise of its lovers and is worth the try for those who have not yet experienced the wonder of the African Rooibos.

Health Benefits of Rooibos

If you have ever wondered what the rooibos health benefits were then hopefully this section will help to answer your question.

As mentioned above the really cool thing about rooibos is that it does not have caffeine in it at all. I guess you could say that there is no real relationship between rooibos and caffeine which is a great thing as it really allows you to enjoy rooibos whenever you feel like it. This will protect you from those late night when you cannot sleep.

Another amazing thing that is somewhat coupled with the lack of caffeine is that rooibos can be consumed by expecting mothers. This is one of the main reasons that rooibos and pregnancy often find themselves intertwined. With the rise of tea appreciation it often comes to a surprise that pregnant women generally should cut down when they become expecting mothers. This is when you can turn to rooibos when you are pregnant, and even continue after pregnancy has wrapped up for those stressful ( and happy ) times to come.


Hopefully the above listed info has provided a bit of information about rooibos, some of the benefits, where it is grown, as well as rooibos and pregnancy. Here are some great blends if you are looking to take the plunge into a new addition to your brewed cabinet, or if you are just looking for some new great rooibos:

Peppermint Party

Reading Time: < 1 minute

A nice refreshing tea at anytime during the day, this tea is filled with the minty taste that only peppermint can offer. Great on its own or blended with another tea to freshen up any combination, this tea is really one of the most versatile options around.

This tisane has a nice light flavor and light aroma that is unmatched by any other herbs.  100% caffeine free you can have this tea whenever you would like without worrying about being up all night.

Best if steeped for 6-10 minutes at 212°

Ingredients: Peppermint

Pomegranate Surprise

Reading Time: < 1 minute

This wonderful mixture combines the tastiness of pomegranate with the tanginess of ginger and cinnamon.  With a hibiscus base this slightly sweet tea makes a great warm or iced tea. Deep in flavor and color this tea is sure to be a hit with everyone.

Best if steeped for 3 minutes at 180°

Ingredients: Green tea infused with natural pomegranate flavors, and mixed with raspberries and raspberry leaves.

Caffeine Free Tropical Blend

Reading Time: < 1 minute

A mouthful of this tea is a one way ticket to a tropical beach. With notes of light citrus flavors, coconuts, and pineapples you will find all your worries melting away with these beautiful pairing of fruits and black tea.

Best if steeped for 3 minutes at 212°

Ingredients: Decaf black tea with pieces of pineapple, coconut, and natural coconut and pineapple flavors

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