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Green tea diet

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Looking to lose weight? Then green tea is just what you are looking for.

If you are trying to get that shape, you’ve always wanted and are finding that no matter what you are doing, you just aren’t getting there, then keep reading as you might be surprised how good green tea is for losing weight. Tired of all weight loss programs that simply do not work for you? Tried all the diets that can possibly help you out? Well, here is a tip for you: green tea diet. This is a no-nonsense tip. Read on, and I’ll explain to you why and how.

Can green tea burn calories?

Research suggests that drinking 5 cups of green tea daily (in an average adult) can burn up to 8o calories. Eighty calories a day will amount to 560 calories a week, which is equivalent to losing about 0.16 pounds a week. This weight might be small for your weekly goal, but no other beverage can help you lose weight a healthy and natural way. You might not think of this as a huge green tea benefit, but the reality is that this weight loss can add up, and over the course of a year you could actually get in shape by drinking amazing green tea!

green tea laves
nice and green looking tea

The secret to green tea’s weight loss action is its caffeine and polyphenol content. The polyphenol in green tea, EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate), is also responsible for its antioxidant properties.

In every cup of green tea, there is about 50 mg of caffeine.  Caffeine is a slight appetite suppressant. This may explain why drinking coffee or tea keeps you alert throughout the morning without feeling hungry or even without a full breakfast. Burning those extra calories your body is storing can help remove excess weight.

What does Caffeine do to your body?

Caffeine increases our body heat through the process of thermogenesis. When our body produces more heat, more calories are burned. However, it is also thought that the thermogenesis in green tea is mostly accounted for its EGCG. EGCG is known to speed up metabolism and increase the number of calories burned with every physical activity. The EGCG in green tea also lowers bad cholesterol levels and normalizes blood sugar levels.

Benefits of green tea

Green tea as a diuretic?

Green tea is a natural diuretic. As we urinate, excess body fluid is flushed out, along with that excess weight. However, caution should be practiced when there is frequent urination. Dehydration might occur as a side effect. Fluids lost should also be replaced. This is why it is important to read this article, as it will fill you in with all the info about too much green tea


You can’t expect weight loss to occur overnight. Green tea does not melt the weight right away, but it does help in losing it day by day. A balanced diet with fruits and vegetables and regular exercise is the best way to start. Try the green tea diet, and you’re on your way to a healthy shape. One of the important things about weight loss and green tea is that the better the green tea, the better the results. That is why it is very important to get good quality before you brew your tea. This will ensure that you will get the best results possible.

Differences Between Green Tea and White Tea

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There are many reasons why people enjoy drinking a cup of delicious hot tea. Whether it is Green tea or white tea, it is really not a bad choice, but it is a question that always come up, and that is: what is the big difference between white tea and green tea?

Types of Tea

Many kinds of tea are available in the market like white tea, green tea, black tea, and more. However, if you think about white tea vs green tea and are wondering about those two types of tea then keep reading as you will soon find out the differences between the two teas. Each has its own characteristics and you must be mindful of it. You can choose white tea or perhaps green tea to drink to refresh your tired body.

What is white tea?

If you want to know what white tea is or what green tea is, then don’t worry as I am here to explain. White tea is often made from buds or perhaps from the younger dried leaves, which is being dried under the sun or perhaps by means of steaming. This tea is not oxidized and comes from the plant known as Camellia sinensis. If you are thinking that the description of white tea sounds familiar, then don’t worry as the same plant actually makes both white and green tea.  Here is a pretty example of a tasty white tea that I love:

loose leaf white premium tea
nice loose leaf white tea

In the Fujian Chinese province, white tea is their favorite and this kind of tea has many varieties. The variety of white tea includes white peony, silver needle, life eyebrow, tribute, Ceylon white, Assam white, and African white. The popularity of white tea in China is due to its health benefits. The tea prevents heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, fights certain cancers, and helps in the breakdown of elastin and collagen.

What is green ea?

Now that you know a bit about white tea then, I will explain what green tea is all about. As mentioned before, green tea comes from the same plant as the white tea. However, the biggest difference between the two types of leaves is how they are processed. When white tea is steamed then dried, green tea is steamed, fired for a bit of fermentation, and then rolled. That is really the biggest difference between green tea and white tea. Here is a beautiful picture of one of my favorite green teas around, with some nice fruit pieces:

green tea with pomegranate
Nice green tea

Hand-rolled green tea leaves mixed with fruit pieces, resulting in a beautiful and tasty cup of tea.

Green tea also originated in China and is now being expanded throughout all Asia and has also popular in the West. In fact, many coffee shops like Satrbucks offer this kind of tea, and there was already lots of green tea flavors that people can choose from. The benefits are similar to white tea and have the ability to fight Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. In fact, drinking green tea can lower the risk of breast cancer for women.


While these teas come from the same variety of plants with similar health benefits, some other differences depend on the consumers. If one loves the taste of white tea, then this would be his or her favorite. However, studies show that there are many health benefits found in green tea compared to white tea.

So, at the end of the day, the choice is yours. But if you ask me either of these teas is a good choice, so you can’t really go wrong ;)

Can too much green tea actually be bad for you?

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A lot of people today are opting for green tea . Why, you might ask? Well, it seems that this new mass adoption of green tea has as much to do with the healthy benefits of green tea as the awesome taste of drinking it hot or cold.

Green tea, and all real tea, is a very popular tea in China and all botanists believe that the plant originated in Asia. The caffeine content of this drink can increase body alertness, defend against drowsiness, and increase capacity for physical labor. However, this isn’t suitable for everybody. Too much green tea can cause negative effects to the body due to the caffeine content if taken excessively. One thing to note as well is that white tea, black tea, and green tea ( as well as the different types of teas within those categories) can all have different features, and if you are confused, here is a great post about Differences Between Green Tea and White Tea .

How much is too much green tea?

As we all know, too much of one thing is never been good for our health. So the question must be asked, how much is too much green tea? For people who want to know the exact amount of green tea to drink, it is really hard to state a rule as there are so many variables, such as the tea drinker size, the amount of time they have had drinking tea, individuals sensitivity to caffeine, as well as the types of tea leaves being used but it might be a good guide to say more that 5-6 cups of tea is a good range to put yourself in.

green tea steeping in a white cup
a nice brew for this cup of green tea

Again, please let me clarify that this is only a guide, and you are the only one who can judge the interactions and feelings of your body after tea. Personally, I enjoy around 10 cups of green tea a day.

Symptoms of having too much tea in a day

If you have had too much tea in a day, you might want to watch out for possible symptoms such as: nervousness, headache, vomiting, sleeplessness, irritability, diarrhea, irregular heartbeat, heartburn, tremor, dizziness, confusion, and convulsion. Another thing about tea is that it has the capacity to lessen the amount of iron absorbed from food. To get all the benefits of drinking green tea, drink in moderation.

I do not want to scare anyone away from drinking tea it is just important to know that although it is thought of as a good thing to drink, you can have too much of a good thing. Even water, one of the things humans are made of, can be fatal if too much is consumed.

Benefits of drinking tea

Now enough of the bad talk, let’s talk about the good aspects of drinking tea. Catechins are the major component of green tea which is considered as a strong antioxidant that can lower cholesterol, help fight certain cancers, and can make one fit and healthy. With so many benefits of tea in the body, some people make this as a component of their delicious smoothies. Combined with other fruits, this can lessen the bitter taste and refresh one’s body after work. According to research, consuming 3 cups of green tea a day can provide 240 up to 320 mg of polyphenols.


So at the end of the day, you are really the only one who can choose how much tea you are drinking each day and what is right for your body so just stay safe and drink a reasonable amount of tea as there are a lot of green tea benefits that can be enjoyed daily and safely.

Green Tea weight loss

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If you have been looking for that one quick fix to lose a couple of pounds, then I am sad to say that this quick, weird tip to losing weight is probably not going to be found. However, there is hope as green tea has been shown to assist in weight loss, so it might not melt away pounds overnight but can probably help out when combined with other activities to help your body. Keep on reading, and you will find some info about dieters’ green tea.

Should you add green tea to your diet?

Trying to lose weight? For dieters, green tea is the one for you. It is good for you if you have tried the Mediterranean or South Beach diet. If you have coupled it with regular exercise, that would be better. But if you add green tea to this lifestyle, you achieve the best. So, as mentioned above, green tea most likely won’t melt any unwanted pounds off, but if used in conjunction with exercise and other diet modifications, you might be well on your way to that 6 pack.

white ceramic mug with green and white liquid
a good looking cup of green tea

Differences in green teas

One thing to keep in mind as well is that not all green tea is created the same. With higher-quality green tea, you will most likely receive a higher return with the health benefits. This is why it is recommended you get high-quality tea bags, and if possible, get loose green tea as with loose-leaf tea, you will have the ability to get a generally higher quality tea as the leaves have not been broken, you won’t get stems or dust, and it will allow a better taste to be infused into the warm water.

One of the mechanisms to lose weight is to increase our body’s metabolism. Certain chemicals, such as L-carnitine, are added to some health drinks to help speed up body metabolism. When our body’s metabolism increases, our bodily functions become faster, our body produces more heat, and more calories are burned. Green tea increases our body’s metabolism. Drinking green tea before or after aerobic exercises such as jogging or running can help burn that extra calorie in your body. One thing that can help your body really warm up with a bang is our gunpowder green tea ! This tea provides all the taste you are looking for in tea and a little extra heat from how it is prepared !

Are slimming teas a real thing?

Most slimming teas available in the market work by irritating your digestive system, making you defecate more. These may cause unwanted stomach problems and discomfort.On the other hand, some slimming teas flush out excess body fluids by making you go to the bathroom more. This same mechanism is present in green tea but is a bit more natural with green tea. Green tea acts as a natural diuretic. When you urinate, excess body fluid is excreted by your body. At the same time, toxins and fats in our bodies are flushed along with excess body fluids. Drinking green tea also helps alleviate the feeling of being bloated. If you are looking for different types, look over here at some of our best green tea as they will both help you speed up your metabolism and quench your thirst.

Ceremonial Tea Set on Wooden Surface
nice green tea setup

Tea and health studies

Studies show that green tea also helps lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels. While some drugs act to lower both the LDL (low-density lipoprotein or bad cholesterol) and the HDL (high-density lipoprotein or good cholesterol), green tea lowers the LDL levels and normalizes the HDL levels. 

This is good news for people at risk of cardiovascular disease. Green tea also lowers blood sugar levels. Drinking this beverage can help diabetic patients manage their blood sugar and prevents the complications of diabetes, such as blindness, kidney failure, and strokes.


Green tea helps you achieve the healthy lifestyle and body that you want, and you need. This drink does not only make you feel healthy on the outside but also from within. Take a look at a couple of our tastiest green teas and see if there are any that you could work into your fitness routine:

Gunpowder green tea

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It is no secret that green tea is one of the world’s healthiest beverages. But what about gunpowder green tea? What makes it so special? If you are looking for an amazing green tea then look no further as gunpowder green tea is something special alright!

The history of Gunpowder tea

Gunpowder green tea dates back to the Tang dynasty in China, about 600 years BC. It is mainly produced in the Zhejiang province. There is no actual account for its being named as “gunpowder,” but some believe that is due to the shape of the tea leaves. Its pearly greyish-green color makes it look like gunpowder pellets that are used in explosives.

How is gunpowder tea made?

Gunpowder green tea is made by the leaves of the tea plant. The leaves are withered first before steaming. The leaves are rolled into pellet-shaped pieces either by hand rolling or by using a machine. Hand-rolled gunpowder green tea are of higher quality than those rolled by a machine, and bigger pellets typically are of lower quality than those fine, tightly rolled pellets. After rolling, the leaves are being dried. When looking for a high-quality gunpowder green tea, the pellets should appear shiny, indicating that the leaves are fresh.

Ceremonial Tea Set on Wooden Surface

How to brew Gunpowder green tea

When brewing the tea, the recommended ratio is 1 teaspoon of tea to 150 ml of hot, previously boiled, but not boiling, water. The leaves are steeped for about 1-2 minutes before being strained. It has a slightly grassy taste with a pleasant aroma. Adding milk or sweeteners is not recommended because the tea tastes good in itself. It has a soft honey texture and light green to yellow color. When the gunpowder-like tea leaves are brewed in hot water, the pellets unfurl and turn into loose leaves, indicating their flavor has been absorbed.


Gunpowder may be a unique name for a beverage, but it is a type of healthy beverage, green tea. It has the same potent antioxidant content, preventing certain diseases such as dementia and cancer.

Gunpowder green tea is truly a special kind of tea. It’s not your ordinary kind of green tea; it’s gunpowder… green tea!

Health benefits of green tea

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Health Benefits of Green Tea | Why You Should Try Green Tea

Over centuries we have known how tea in all of its forms- black, green, or white teas has spectacularly paved the way to the healthier well-being of almost all people from different races, cultures, tongues, etc. A teacup, whether served hot or cold, is just perfect in any time of the day. Tea is a nice company to share good times from dusk till dawn.

To quote from a Victorian British Prime Minister:

 If you are cold, tea will warm you.  If you are too heated, it will cool you.  If you are depressed, it will cheer you.  If you are excited, it will calm you.  – Gladstone, 1865

Aside from the social benefits you can get from drinking tea, there are many other reasons you should consider drinking a cup of it every day.  If you just can’t choose which form of tea you should have that day, we highly recommend green tea.

Benefits of green tea for your body

If you’re new to drinking tea, you will definitely find the following details helpful: here is a list of the many benefits of green tea .

Okay, most people think that tea originated from China since it is the world’s number one exporter of tea even today. But actually, “Camellia Sinensis” or tea plants also grow in areas with tropical and subtropical climates such as South America, Europe, and South Africa. Three thousand years earlier, before China has introduced tea, it has been already used as herbal medicine in ancient civilization.

Teas vary depending on the length of the fermentation process they’ve been through. Antioxidant properties where tea is rich of is inversely proportional to the length of the fermentation process. That means longer fermentation equals lesser antioxidants, and shorter fermentation equals more antioxidants. However, caffeine content, it goes the opposite. The longer the fermentation process, the more caffeine you get, while the shorter the fermentation process, the lesser caffeine you get.

filled white bowl surrounded by snake plants
green tea looks amazing

To rank the three forms of tea according to each antioxidant properties, white tea gets the first place because of the shortest fermentation process, followed by green tea, and then black tea gets the least. However, black tea has even more antioxidants than coffee. Just so you know! Then, regarding caffeine content, you’ll just have to turn the upside down ranking: black tea being the highest and white tea the least.

Why then loose green tea ?  What are its health benefits?

Through the above information, we can definitely infer that green tea is the moderation of all of tea forms. Have you heard of the famous four-word prescription of most doctors: MODERATION IS THE KEY!!!

Health benefits of green tea include:

  •       weight loss;
  •       Better digestion;
  •       Reduced risk of depression and anxiety;
  •       Lower cancer risk;
  •       Stronger immune system;
  •       Less risk of Alzheimer’s;
  •       Lowered blood pressure;
  •       Good source of vitamins and nutrients such as iron, calcium, and magnesium.


If you want to get the most out of the benefits of green tea, you would be asked what particular time of the day will be best to drink green tea. Well, actually, it depends on what green tea benefit you’re after. Say, you can replace coffee with green tea in the morning to stimulate your senses or drink tea after meals to get a flattened stomach. You can enjoy a relaxing cup before bedtime to ease digestion and as an appetite suppressant to prevent you from craving over-midnight snacks. So at the end of all of this, the only conclusion is that there is never a bad time to have green tea. If you are looking for some great options for green tea I would suggest taking a look at our large list of green teas here: theteacupany.com/green-tea/

How to brew amazing gunpowder tea

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Just like most things in life, there are multiple ways to get a job done, and in this bit I will tell you what I think are Two Ways of Brewing Gunpowder Tea.

Gunpowder tea, also known as “Green Pearl,” is a non-fermented traditional tea which is black roasted and rolled green tea that looks like gunpowder mostly mistaken for real gunpowder, and has a smoky flavor depending on what type you’re using; it is mostly produced in the provinces of China. It is rolled for drying purposes to keep the flavoring and aroma and preserve the freshness.

Why Gunpowder tea is so good?

Very tasty, and good for relaxation; just imagine you being in a quiet place no one bothering being positive and having a nice cup of gunpowder tea. It’s very good for the health, helps in many ways such as fighting against cancer, controlling Diabetes, and gives glucose tolerance and more insulin sensibility. Imagine just by drinking tea you can be stress-free as it helps you be revitalized, rejuvenates your mind, gives you the energy you need, and many more. The best quality of this tea is golden yellow which will make you feel fresh and healthy. It has two ways of brewing, and these are:

1. The Chinese method – This method needs a traditional Chinese tea set. Gaiwan is the most important with a tea holder, the fair cup and tea cups, knowing that this is brewed in a traditional way. The traditional brewing method has been used for thousands of years now. But originally, this can be seen in china. The taste of gunpowder tea when using this method is optimum, though this is a longer and more complicated way. But having to taste this tea using the traditional way is matchless.

Steps to brewing Gunpowder tea

These are the steps to using the traditional method: You will need boiling water to warm up, and with this, you will clean your tea set. It is important to rinse the tea as well; you will require putting an amount of tea in the Gaiwan, then add hot water, stirring pour out the liquid into the cups to warm them. This is not for drinking it is only used to wake up the tea process. Once it is rinsed, again add hot water (the temperature for this should be about 90°C (194F) – 95°C (203F). Brew for about one minute; do not brew for a longer time, which will cause it to mar the taste. Pour tea into the cups. Enjoy your tea being pulled by its aroma and its ultimate taste.

The second way to brew Gunpowder tea

The Western method – This method is similar to the traditional Chinese method’s brewing method but more simple and easy you don’t need any traditional tea set, just a glass teapot and tea cups.

Using this method, the gunpowder tea will have a more mellow taste. 1-2 teaspoons of gunpowder tea into the teapot, pour about 90°C(194°F) water to brew the tea as in the Chinese traditional method you will also clean the cups with the first liquor; the first brewing is really used for rinsing and warming the cups.

You can adjust to the amount of tea you put depending on your taste you can add or lessen the amount. Though in the western method, the temperature is usually 90°C (194°F) but the ideal temperature for the first two brewing is 85°C(185°F) to 90°C(194°F). It’s better to clean and warm the tea cups first. For the first two brewing, brew for a minute, thus enhancing the taste and also the fragrance.


So there you have it, two very different ways of making gunpowder tea. It is important to remember that although there are two methods listed above, the best way is yours. Making tea is a journey, and you should make it however you like it best, so try out different methods and let me know what you think is your favorite way. In the meantime, I will share with you my personal favorite Gunpowder tea, which is Tangy gunpowder tea which you can see right here:

loose leaf gunpowder green tea
gunpowder tea

It is an amazing combination of green tea, smoked and hand-curled, and fruit pieces and flavors.

Loose Green Tea

Reading Time: 5 minutes

One of the greatest things that you can enjoy in a day is a nice cup of green tea in the middle of the day. You might be asking yourself why I say in the middle of the day and I will tell you why I feel that this is the best time of the day to sink into a warm cup of green tea.

The reason that I like my green tea in the middle of the day is simple, and that is because it falls in line with how my days usually are. I start my day a bit tired, groggy and turn to a nice strong cup of black tea to wake me up. Something like a hearty brew of blackberry black tea to really give me a nice kick of caffeine, and a nice aroma to awaken my senses. Even the smell of a strong black tea is enough to get some of that sleep out of my eyes, just take a look at that blackberry tea and tell me you aren’t feeling a bit more awake :

Earl morning tea for the sleepy guys and gals.

So now that we know what I like to start my day off with lets go on to the next part of my day, which I then turn to loose leaf green tea for. The reason I turn to the green tea is simple, and that is because in the middle of the day I look at it as almost my time to start winding down. The simple reality is that usually it is my mornings that I really need to be focused and alert with. So once I have drank around 4 cups of black tea, I am usually set and my energy is flowing. So this is where I start to wind it down, as it is not instantaneous, I often find that the black tea in the morning will provide me with enough caffeine and power to last all day, but I still want to drink something tasty. This is why I go to green tea, as there is less caffeine and a more calming effect. My go to green tea has got to be Tangy Gunpowder Green tea as this tea has really changed how I look at this type of tea.

My tangy gunpowder tea really mellows my mood out, and its smokiness gives me a bit of relaxtion. It lets me think about what I have done so far today and what else I have to do. I really find that Green tea, and especially Tangy Gunpowder Green tea , gives me a lot of focus so this is why I switch to it in the middle of the day. Usually the craziness of rush requests have diminished and now I can plan the rest of the day out and go forward with my thoughts. Take a look at the gunpowder tea and tell me it doesn’t look amazing: 

loose gunpowder rolled tea
gunpowder green tea pellets

To wind down my day I really just like to switch it up and go with a nice herbal tea, or for you purists Tisane ;) , as I find that the soothing and rich flavors that an all herbal mix can provide is really something unique. Although most will migrate over to chamomile as it is often said that it has calming properties, I find that anything warm with a pleasant taste generally calms me. That is unless it is scalding hot haha.  For this mix my go to herbal brews are as follow:

Lemongrass soothes the stomach and is popular in many herbal remedies.


Without the caffeine and with a unique taste honeybush is a great brew to try before bed.

loose honeybush leaf

A great fruit mix will relax your body before bed. Great for winding down.

loose rooibos
a perfect fruit blend

An amazing mix of fruit including apple bits to give a nice tart warm flavor before bed.

So there you have it, my entire breakdown of when I have my teas and why I like them at those times. Overall the tea experience is your own journey so find out works best for you, and if you want to learn more about green teas I would really suggest reading these posts as they have a lot of information about green tea and how to prepare it:
Benefits of green tea

filled white bowl surrounded by snake plants
the perfect cup of green tea

How to make green tea

Tea of the month canada club

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If you have been looking to get into a great Christmas present for the winter seasons then don’t worry as we have you covered. Tea is one of the best Christmas presents you can give because so many people like it, and there is such a variety of tea that can be offered. Many times a company will come out with a special line of teas just for Christmas, and while we do have some for this time of the year, we tend to focus on our entire Christmas line up versus just bringing in some strangers for a short season.

Right now we are really gearing up with our tea of the month club in Canada which has been doing great for us and our customers. Every month we seem to be adding more and more happy people who love to get those little envelopes of joy month after month. 

The tea of the month club in Canada program has been such a success that we are looking at expanding the offering to other places, but are currently waiting on shipping and insurance information.

Tea of the month club

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The winter is now among us and the tea of the month club has been doing great. Recently we have surpassed previous records on the number of members in the club and it is growing every month. Great time are had by all and the tea of the month club in canada has been doing great.

If you are looking for a Christmas present of tea for someone try out our tea of the month setup and we can make any gift you want a reality for your loved ones.

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