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I just wanted to make a quick post about the new and old year.

Over the past year, we have launched the website, started the company, and actually had some customers, so thank you to everyone who has been there for us from the beginning, or if you are just joining us now! It has been a year of learning and experiences that I will continue growing on.

Over the past year, we have expanded our tea lines and continue working on new and unique products that will excite customers and provide great value for everyone.

With this in mind, we are still looking at our tea of the month club to be launched within the next week and hoping that this will get more people into enjoying the teas that we have to offer, as well as providing a bit of a spin on the usual tea delivery and ordering system.

Thank you again to everyone who has helped out with the Teacupany, and we look forward to a great year with you.