Table of Contents
Update here
So after about 2 months of up and running I have finally been able to get some things going as far as sales and new products being added. The first thing that I am really happy about is that I got Tea Accessories up and running. This may not seem like a big deal but to be honest it was one of the hardest things that I had to do. For some reason I just hadn’t thought about how long it would take to get the right pictures of tea accessories done.
Tea delays
The biggest thing that delayed it was that the tea related products were a lot bigger than the tea samples I had previously taken pictures of so the unit I had used was no longer getting the job done. The toughest shot that I had was of the Brewt 2 Go containers as they not only were a lot bigger but also where clear enough to show anything that was wrong on the back, but also shiny enough to reflect light or images behind me while I was shooting the pictures. In the end it all worked out with some wonderful help.
What’s next?
The next thing that I have been really working on is the social media side of things which takes a lot of time. People may think in their heads that it is just simply typing stuff and then everyone is happy and they are then social media masters, but the reality is that every social media interaction is like a mini conversation. So if you have 10 tweets going to 10 people you actually are talking in unique conversations. If you think that is easy you should try to talk to 10 different people at the exact same time with different topics… Needless to say I have a new found respect for the people that do social media, and do it well.
If you are looking to follow us here is our TeaCupany Twitter link so check it out and please accept my apologies if there hasn’t been anything new in a bit.
I guess it is true what they say, that you must learn to walk before you run